Knee Pain
Knee pain can be very unsettling in life. It’s also a lot more common than perhaps we’d like. For some, the issues are minor and will not require much treatment. Others may be dealing with genuine, long-lasting, chronic knee pain.
There is often a reason behind knee pain and a specialist will likely need to take a look. This is especially necessary if it’s a significant issue and plaguing your daily life. There are many different ways of fixing knee issues and knee pain – one of which is custom-made orthotics. By addressing foot abnormalities and lower limb biomechanical faults with custom orthotics your knee will be better aligned and help provide better function. At Healthy Steps, we also assess and fit knee braces that can provide long-lasting relief or help in the healing process. We can help determine which one is best for your knee issue and lifestyle.
Ligament Damage
Ligament damage is extremely significant and can leave you without the ability for months – depending on how severely it was hurt. You can experience lateral, anterior cruciate, or medial ligament damage. These will all result in pain, swelling, bruising, and instability. They’re very common in sporting activities and the professional sports world. This type of injury may require surgery, physical therapy and often a prescribed custom or over-the-counter ligament knee brace.
Meniscus Tear
The knee has two menisci – one on the inside and one on the outside of the knee. They typically work as shock absorbers and stabilizers of the joint. They nourish the knee and provide it comfort and safety. If you tear your meniscus, you’re going to be dealing with quite a significant bit of pain for a short while. You’ll deal with swelling, too. The joint will likely lock in place a lot once it has been damaged. Knee braces are generally prescribed to help stabilize the knee and help with recovery.
Osgood-Schlatter’s Condition
This is a growing pain that affects the knee. Whenever children have issues with their knees, this is always the most likely culprit. It happens to children between ages 9 and 16 as part of their growth spurt. A little swelling and tenderness are what you may be dealing with.
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
ITB is a cause of knee pain in runners. It’s a band of tissue that begins at the pelvis and ends a little below the knee, running down the outside of the thigh. When damaged, one will feel a little sting above the knee. This can then lead to quite a painful swelling as it rubs over the outside of the knee bones. While it’s common for runners, it’s also common for pregnant women and sometimes affects the elderly.
Patello-Femoral Syndrome
This is quite a painful sensation around the kneecap. It will typically be when actual fraying and damage happens to the underlying patellar cartilage. It mainly happens with activity and will be exacerbated when heading up or down steps/hills. The causes of this tend to be flat feet, high-arched feet, and muscular issues. Physical therapy is prescribed as well as orthotics. In addition to controlling the mechanics of the foot, a patella-femoral knee strap or brace is often recommended to help stabilize the knee and allow for better function.
Chondromalacia Patella
This is an irritation behind the kneecap. Whenever you have kneecap pain, this is usually the cause. It’s often called ‘runner’s knee.’ Typically, your kneecap will glide smoothly on the knee joint when the knee bends. In this case, the kneecap will rub on one side of the joint and the bone becomes extremely irritated. Women tend to suffer from this condition more than men due to anatomical differences. Compression-based knee braces specifically measured and fitted can help reduce the pain.
At Healthy Steps, we work towards the best solution to ease your knee pain. Contact us to learn more about our knee pain solutions.