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Navigating the Path to Improved Foot Health

Located in the bustling heart of Barrhaven, Ottawa, Healthy Steps Pedorthic Clinic is more than just a healthcare facility. Custom Orthotics. Female Doctor Orthopedist Presents New Custom Made Insoles To A patient.

It's a sanctuary for those seeking relief from the relentless burden of foot pain. Our feet are often overlooked, yet they are the pillars supporting our bodies' intricate structure. 

When the foundation is compromised, it reverberates through the rest of our system, affecting our posture, balance, and overall daily function. 

At Healthy Steps, we understand this interconnectedness and aim to provide our community with the highest standard of customized foot care with our Custom Orthotics.

The Pioneering Legacy of Healthy Steps

Our clinic has been a staple in Ottawa's foot care landscape for over ten years. It sets itself apart by interweaving state-of-the-art technology with the timeless finesse of hand-crafted custom orthotics solutions. 

Our highly trained and compassionate team of Canadian-certified Podiatrists utilizes advanced 3D foot scanning juxtaposed with traditional plaster casting techniques, ensuring each custom orthotics insole is created with precision and personalized attention.

Sufferers of various foot ailments, from the sharp sting of plantar fasciitis to the chronic discomfort of arthritis and diabetes-induced complications, can find solace in our evidence-based practices. 

Through careful biomechanical assessments and dynamic gait analysis, our specialists craft a therapy route that doesn't merely alleviate symptoms but strives to address the root cause of the issue, fostering long-term foot health.

Embracing a Full Spectrum of Foot Care Services

Healthy Steps Pedorthic Clinic embraces a full-circle approach to foot care, extending its expertise to service offerings as diverse as the feet we treat. 

We recognize that meaningful relief and enduring health stem from understanding each client's unique lifestyle, health status, and personal goals. 

In addition to our renowned custom orthotics intervention, we provide a holistic suite of services that include custom bracing, therapy aids, compression therapy, and meticulously selected therapeutic footwear.

Determined to lead our clients to a healthier lifestyle, we also emphasize the importance of nutrition and its impact on systemic health - particularly for those managing chronic conditions such as diabetes. 

Our team features the expertise of Alia Khudhair-Gilmer, a dedicated Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator who educates and guides our clients in dietary choices that enhance foot health and well-being.

A Commitment to Personalized, Expert Care

Choosing Healthy Steps means entering a partnership where your unique needs are met with expertise, empathy, and a customized care plan:

  • Personalized Approach: Our clinic dedicates time and resources to ensure clients feel heard and understood. Your story, activity level, and challenges blueprint our orthotic and therapeutic solutions.
  • Expert Guidance: Our Canadian Certified Pedorthists bring in-depth knowledge backed by experience. Clients benefit from this reservoir of expertise, finding relief from pain and education on how to maintain foot health.
  • Technological Integration: By marrying technology and tradition, our clients receive insoles and bracing solutions that deliver fit, function, and finesse.
  • Holistic Health Advocacy: We go beyond immediate pain relief. Our clinic endorses a wellness philosophy encompassing all aspects of foot health, ensuring you leave with a solution and the knowledge to prevent future issues.

Your First Step Towards a Brighter, Pain-Free Future

In a world where mobility is equivalent to freedom, foot pain can feel like an unwelcome tether, holding you back from your desired lifestyle. Custom Orthotics. Digital Foot Scan Orthotics Foot Scan For Custom Made Orthotics.

At Healthy Steps Pedorthic Clinic, each step should be devoid of discomfort and filled with the promise of what's ahead. 

Located at Unit 202, 4100 Strandherd Dr., Nepean, ON, our clinic's doors are open to anyone and everyone ready to embark on a journey towards better foot health and, consequently, a more vibrant life.


Healthy Steps is ready to guide you towards a future where each step is taken in comfort, confidence, and health. 

Contact us to initiate your personalized consultant session or to learn more about our clinic's spectrum of services. Our team awaits your story and is ready to walk the road to recovery alongside you with custom orthotics.

Dislaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never delay in seeking it because of something you may have read on this website.