How do I know if I need custom foot orthotics?
You don’t need to resign yourself to live with foot and ankle pain. Even if you spend most of your time on your feet, suffering should not be a way of life. Whether you have a foot condition like hammertoes, bunions, corns, calluses or tense muscles, custom orthotics can help reduce the pain and discomfort you’ve become accustomed to. If you’re unsure whether custom orthotics are the right fit for you, here are some of the most common ailments that custom orthotics can cure.
What are custom orthotics?
Custom orthotics are specially designed and crafted medical devices that look like insoles for your shoes. The goal is to alleviate any pain or discomfort caused by conditions of your feet or lower limbs.
Benefits of custom orthotics
There are a number of benefits that you’ll get from custom orthotics, such as:
- They are made to fit your unique foot shape
- Designed to adjust to your foot abnormalities, such as high arches
- Can improve your athletic performance
- Relieve and prevent pain and injury to your feet
Do I need custom orthotics?
If you’ve been considering whether or not you need custom orthotics, we’ve compiled a list of the most common conditions that can be helped using custom orthotics. They include:
Foot pain
Pain in your feet can have different causes, but custom orthotics can reduce most discomfort. Having the proper support when you walk and move is vital to eliminating foot pain. You may even notice a difference in the rest of your body. That’s because when our feet are not able to support us comfortably, we may make adjustments to how we move. These adjustments can put the rest of our bodies out of alignment. When you get custom orthotics, you may notice that muscles in your legs and even your back will start to feel better.
Heel pain
Another common place where we can experience pain is our heel. It can be caused by an inflammation of the soft tissue in your feet, such as muscles, tendons and ligaments. A lower limb assessment with a Canadian Certified Pedorthist would allow you to determine the cause. Most heel pain can be cured with exercises and the right amount of support for your feet. Whether you need everyday footwear or athletic shoes, custom orthotics can help your body to heal and prevent future injuries and pain. The key is to have footwear and orthotics that are recommended and designed based on your unique foot shape and biomechanics.
Arch height
If you have flat feet, the arch of your foot is not very pronounced. With flat feet, injuries of the lower limbers are usually related to soft tissue and remain in the foot. The body’s natural way to absorb shock upon striking the ground is to pronate, but with a flat foot, this movement may be excessive and cause injury. If you have high arches, you can suffer from a lack of pronation and shock absorption, which usually includes bony injuries of the foot and lower limb. Corns, calluses and even ankle trouble are other examples of conditions that may be helped. The combination of custom orthotics and proper footwear will help ensure better movement of your feet and limit any excessive stress to act upon them.
Uneven wearing
Some people notice that their shoes are unevenly worn. If you see that one of your shoes shows more wear and tear than your other shoe, you should consider getting assessed for custom orthotics. With the proper support, you’ll be able to fix the issue. Whether it is pronation/inward rolling or supination/outward rolling, custom orthotics can be created to remedy the challenges you face when you walk.
One of the impacts that diabetes can have on the body is it causes foot complications. Custom orthotics can remedy these issues and provide you preventative care against future problems.
Injuries to your legs, ankle and feet can change the way you walk. A biomechanical assessment with a Canadian Certified Pedorthist may allow you to determine what contributed to the injury and how it can be prevented in the future with the use of custom orthotics and/or footwear.
Gait problems
Custom orthotics can address issues with your gait or walk. It starts with an assessment of your gait to identify what the deviations from normal might be, and then developping a plan that fits your lifestyle. Many of these treatment plans involve custom orthotics and/or footwear.
Work stress
People who spend long hours on their feet for work can also feel the benefit of custom orthotics. If you stand for more than five hours each day, it might be time to consider custom orthotics. Having the proper support as you stand and move for your job can make your work more pleasant and reduce any foot pain or discomfort you experience.
Working out is great for your health, but it can be difficult on your lower limbs. If your activities involve a lot of running and jumping, it puts extra pressure on your feet. This pressure can turn to pain and sometimes even injuries. Using custom orthotics for your sports shoes can help you avoid these pitfalls. It means that you can enjoy as much activity as you want without having to worry about hurting your feet or legs.
Where do I get custom orthotics?
Start with your physician if you think it’s time for custom orthotics. They can refer you to a foot specialist or Canadian Certified Pedorthist, such as Healthy Steps Pedorthic Clinic. A Canadian Certified Pedorthist is a medical professional that specializes biomechanical assessment and treating lower limb issues. They will be able to identify the cause of your pain or discomfort. And then, they can create a treatment plan to help you get back to enjoying life and the activities you love. Most often, custom orthotics are part of this treatment plan. It’s important to discuss your concerns with your medical professionals, as they are the ones that will be best able to identify what type of orthotics will help you.
If you want to experience the benefits of custom orthotics, contact Healthy Steps Pedorthic Clinic for an assessment today.
Dislaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never delay in seeking it because of something you may have read on this website.